I think that our film was a good median compared to all the other films. We had many positives but one of the main negatives that we have to change is having a voiceover instead of captions. The feedback we got was very informative and will help us greatly in our final shoot as there wasn't a ton to fix but just enough to make our film go from good to great. Another thing we could fix is working on getting more baseball clips and characters so that the audience is not confused on the characters in the film. What specific elements of the film opening did you like? What specific elements of the film opening did you dislike? Did this look like a movie opener and did it make you want to know what happens next? Explain. Was there anything that left you confused? (be specific) What suggestions do you have to make this movie opener better? I like that the camera quality is good and it shows his real life. I disliked how it was difficult to hear t...