Five Master Edits

 Contrast: The first scene shows a contrast between the body type of the Rock and Uriel. The Rock is who Uriel believes he looks like but in reality he is just a typical teenager who is quite the opposite of the Rock. 

Symbolism: The second scene shows the symbolism of two objects holding water. One clip is just a bowl of water that quickly transitions into a pool that is much larger than the bowl. This demonstrates the similarity between the two objects but also the difference in size resulting in symbolism.

Simultaneity: This scene shows two different people swinging at two different locations. There is Uriel acting like he is swinging in class while an actual baseball player is taking swings outside at the same time. Both shots are clearly in the early afternoon and portray the swinging action seen in the sport baseball.

Parallelism: This scene shows the space of Ms.Henderson's room at two different times. The first clip shows the beginning of class when all the students are present, filling the room. The second clip shows the end of class where the room is empty. This demonstrates parallelism because it shows the same location just at different times in class.

Leit Motif: This final shot showcases a scene from the movie Rocky and the famous theme song in the movie. This audio is a key piece to the movie that shows perseverance, strength, and determination, therefore acting as a Leit Motif.
